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Your Competitive Advantage

Today, executive presence coaching is essentially your competitive advantage. Individuals now rely on coaches to leverage their potentiality and further develop their executive presence quotient; organizations do too. Many refer to executive presence as someone’s wow factor: the hybrid of charisma and competence that people can’t help but notice.  The ability to command attention, to inspire, to enlist trust, to lead effectively and consistently, while also achieving goals and exceeding expectations, amidst constant change. This authentic persona is the game changer in your career development and progression. As the corporate landscape continues to evolve, markets diversify, and objectives change as quickly as they are defined, organizations are asking much more of their leaders with expectations, demands, deliverables, and performance pressure steadily increasing - the need for capable, competent and committed leaders, with overt executive presence, has never been greater.  

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Executive presence word jumble

Inner/Outer Core

Executive presence coaching won’t teach you how to do your job. Instead, we will address the components that comprise executive presence, explore what needs adjusting, and develop your potentiality. Executive presence coaching will guide you along a developmental trajectory designed to strengthen your inner and outer core so that you can lead, communicate, execute, collaborate, deliver consistently – and exude that wow factor. Inner core attributes refer to your values, thinking patterns, character traits, beliefs and emotional intelligence. Outer core attributes include competencies related to decisiveness, decision making, change agility, critical thinking and even team building skills. Most training programs, and most coaches, routinely only focus on one or the other; your continued success depends, and relies, on both.

Dynamic Blueprint

You have many choices when considering how to most effectively continue to develop yourself, expand your potential and polish your executive presence; you’re already good, but striving to be even better. You may also be looking for a partner, a guide, a confidant - someone to challenge you in a way your peers won’t or can’t. As a certified (ICF PCC) coach, I have the experience, tools, and know-how to move you forward - expanding your capabilities, informing your perspectives, challenging your assumptions, and increasing your executive presence quotient. Together we will explore your current environment, strengths, behaviors, and patterns, often exposing blind spots or areas for redevelopment. We will utilize techniques and assessments to gather objective data and develop informed perspectives. After this self-discovery, information gathering and awareness raising, we will create a personalized individual development plan (IDP). This dynamic blueprint will chart your objectives, goals, growth opportunities and desired outcomes to the various actions required to lead to measurable and sustainable growth and change. We will enhance every aspect of your leadership presence.

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No Magic Formula

There is no magic formula, or cookie cutter approach, your progress will depend largely on you, and your goals and objectives, as well as, your willingness to explore and develop both inner and outer core capabilities while further practicing and honing the various aspects of executive presence. Are you ready to expand your executive presence with purpose…on purpose?

Executive presence is credibility and character that go beyond any title. 
-Tom Henschel


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